Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Songs I Like to Like

I've been "tagged" by Cupcake and apparently am now compelled to list the top seven songs that I am "into" right now. I am also supposed to tag 7 of my friends to find out what they are into right now, but I don't have seven friends, so we'll just leave it at my list.

I'm fairly certain that I got tagged so Cupcake would know what CD to buy next. Her taste in music is crap. Anyway, here's my list:

1)Hung Up(Madonna) - I realize this might be an unexpected one, but damn if I don't think that song is catchy.

2)Happy Holidays/Its the Holiday Season (Andy Williams) -- what can I say, I hear it 20 times a day right now, of course I'm innu it (wink)

3)Soul Meets Body (Deathcab for Cutie) - emo rockers make it big, hooray little guy!

4)We Will Become Sihouettes (Postal Service) - I like my melancholy with a cute keyboard on the side.

5)My Wandering Days are Over(Belle & Sebastian) - no matter where I go, no matter what I am doing B&S are not far away. How could I not put them on the list?

6)A Good Man is Easy to Kill (Beulah) - this one is an older song, but I'm back into it right now for no particular reason.

7)My Humps (Black Eyed Peas) - Wha' cha' gonna do wit all that junk? All that junk inside that trunk. Imma get get get get you drunk, get you love drunk off my hump.


Cupcake said...

Hey, you know you really find my taste in music "adorable". It's all part of my considerable charm.

MCMCMCLY said...

Hey Five-oclock, glad you found my little corner of the internet world. Hope you don't mind my anonymous link to your site, as I don't know you at all. I've been passively reading your blog for a while - found it one night when i was looking for blogs by the homos in Minneapolis. Crazy that you like B&S and Beulah. I am anxiously awaiting the new album due out in February. Anyway, welcome to PoE and keep reading, maybe my posts will get better if i think more people are intereested...