Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I Hate "The World"

Most of my quality NPR time is spent driving to or from work. In the mornings, I get either Morning Edition, or Mid-Morning (Minnesota's version of Talk of the Nation), on the way home it's almost always ATC, sometimes Marketplace. My biggest beef with Minnesota Public Radio is that they always preempt the good parts of the national programs for crappy local news. I know it's hard to please everyone, but the D & E segments of Morning Edition are the fun ones, and we almost NEVER get to hear them because we need to know about the mayor's new plan for sweeping the streets. Personally, I'd rather hear about the newsroom that sold its soul, err, name to a corporate sponsor.

It seems that the only other time I hear any public radio is between 7 & 8 PM. I can't explain why, but as stated before almost all of my NPR time is in the car, and I'm usually on my way out for the evening around 7 I guess, who knows. This is where The World becomes a factor. I hate this show. I hate the presenter's delivery, I hate the stories, I just plain hate it. Not to mention that one of my favorite daily shows, Fresh Air, is on here in Minnesota at 8, just when I'm stepping out of the car for dinner or drinks or whatever. Ugh. I miss you Terry Gross.

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