Monday, December 19, 2005

Magical Thinking

While in New York visiting friends about a month ago, Cupcake began hounding me about my lack of knowledge concerning contemporary literature. I defended myself as best I could, but it was no use. David Sedaris can give you only so much street cred until people start asking what you think about other authors, and your only reply is a blank face. Well Nancy being the good hijacked friend of mine that she is has decided to enlighten me by sending me the first of what I hope will be installments of regular books.

I have to confess that since I received it a week ago I have only had time to read one chapter, but so far I think it's great. I'm a stickler for memoirs and non-fiction comedic essays in general so this book is right up my alley. This is certainly a much more enjoyable read than my last book, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance." Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good philosophy book every now and then, but sometimes a fella just wants to laugh, and Burroughs has made me do that so far. Way to go Cupcake. Keep sending me more books you like. We'll make it like a Netflix thing where you send me a book, I read it and send it back to you, and then you send me a new book. Sound good? I thought so.

1 comment:

Cupcake said...

Huh? Wha? Hey, I think your thank you note got lost in the mail, cause I didn't get it yet, bitch.