Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Project Runway Comes Out

Not that it's a shocker or anything to learn that the majority of the male designers on PR2 are gay, but tonight was PR2's coming out party! We learned all about Daniel V.'s tough life as a white, middle class gay dude. Pity for him. Of course, Nick was there to join the party as well. And even Tim Gunn was not spared implication. Santino did a pretty funny bit about Andre and Tim on a date at Red Lobster - very much in the vein of something Drew, Joe, and I would come up with if we happened to be contestants. Great Television.

As an update, two of my picks for the final three are still in the mix. Zulema made her exit last week, and Nick is teetering on the edge with Santino. Daniel V on the other hand is almost a lock for the final 3. He just keeps impressing the judges. Allright!

Enough ranting about reality TV.

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