Sunday, February 05, 2006

Homeland Surveillance

I heard this story on Wait, Wait today. Apparently, the Georgia Department of Homeland Security and the FBI have been monitoring a group of vegans in Atlanta as potential 'threats' to national security. They even arrested one of the protestors after she wrote down the license plate number of the undercover officer's car. (Georgia ACLU)

I can understand why some people feel it is necessary to spy on US Citizens in order to protect the country from a terrorist attack. But then the government goes and does something stupid like this, and reminds all of exactly why we must be so vigilant about protecting civil liberties. Understandably, we don't know all the details of this case. The arrested individuals may have been monitored for some legitimate reason that is as yet undisclosed. But certainly the arrest seems to be illegal.

If it is true that they were being monitored exclusively because they are vegan, then you have to wonder who exactly made the decision to watch these people. Is there no oversight at all? Surely someone in the chain at the FBI would realize this is not a serious threat right? I mean what exactly are they worried about? Vegans exploding bombs outside McDonald's? Even if something like that were to happen, its not likely to be supported by any kind of conventional terrorist cell, it would likely be the work of one or two complete wonks right? I just don't get it.

1 comment:

Lord of the Barnyard said...

vegans and war protestors of the Quaker sort.

this i will probably never do again, but somehow yesterday i was captivated by CSPAN and watched most of the AG Gonzo Senate hearing on the NSA spy program. it was entertaining and depressing and boring and scary and infuriating.