Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Skeletons & Closets

It's time I tell you all about one of my well-kept secrets. In college I was in Marching band. That's right, in college. And it was not just any marching band, it was the Iowa State University Cyclone Football "Varsity" Marching Band! (ISUCFVMB) I even have pictures to prove it. Don't I look totally rad?

This all comes up because a long lost friend of mine from said marching band has resurfaced. And as luck would have it, he's right here in the Twin Cities. The day before what is now my 'old' computer crashed, Rick sent me an Instant Message. A remarkable coincidence not only because of the unforeseeable upcoming computer crash, but also because I hadn't seriously used IM in about 2 years.

Rick and I went out last Friday with Chad, Justin, and Corey. Naturally the subject of how we knew one another came up and the boys were shocked to hear that I actually had interests aside from bitching about work - even if those interests had waned several years before. So there you have it, I used to be in a marching band. But hey, at least I wasn't in a college show choir like Chad.

Just for fun, this video is an amazing bit of ISUCFVMB history. It's bizarre, and it is about 13 minutes of your life you will never get back but pretty interesting even if you aren't into that whole "marching around in formation" thing. Seriously, check it out.

1 comment:

JfA said...

I've been perusing your archives, and had to comment on this post: I think you might know my mom, she's the Music Hall secretary. That's pretty damn weird.