Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Central Front of the War on Terror

It's not Iraq people, it's Wal-Mart.

The rEPuBlicaN strategist on ATC this evening said she hopes people think about National Security when choosing the elephant or the donkey at the polls in November. She also continuously repeated the phrases "Central Front of the War on Terror(TM)" and "cut and run" in regards to Iraq. Next thing we'll be hearing about what a "flip-floper" John Kerry is.

Oh wait a second, that was the last election. I guess things are going just peachy enough for the rEPuBlicaNs that they decided not to change any of their catch phrases this go 'round. Seriously though, I realize the Dems don't exactly have a coherent, alternative strategy for dealing with Iraq but if I were a Republican I wouldn't be hanging my hat on National Security keeping the good old boys in office.

The best thing Democratic candidates can do is keep their mouths shut and let the elephants bury themselves with sound bites that have the public thoroughly annoyed.

And then they can have a go at running the country into more and more desperate times.

But God still hates Fags, at least the rEPuBlicaNs still have him(or her?) on their side.

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