Tuesday, September 05, 2006


What a long three days.

It's not often a person can legitimately complain about working only 3 days in a row, but man were we busy this weekend. Plus i worked a full 33 hours in those 3 days. So that's something, right?

A combination of rain on Saturday and Sunday, plus a touch of "Oh shit, the kids have to go back to school tomorrow and we haven't bought them anything and -- oh my god look at your pants! They're at your shins. And those shoes! Jesus Christ, we better go shopping. But its already past 5 PM. What's that? JC Penney is open until 10? Kids, get in car, now!" on Monday kept me running all weekend.

But now i have two days off, and work only 2 of the next 6 days.

PlayStation baseball here I come.

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