Saturday, April 08, 2006


The district office administrative assistant pointed out that my birthday had a sequential vibe this year. Frankly, before she mentioned it, the sequence hadn't occurred to me. If only I'd been born 20 year later - that would have been even neatyer. When I mentioned this to my mother she told me someone on the radio had mentioned that at 1:23 the time would be 123456. I think that one is a stretch, but I'll yield to the ultimate authority on time/date/numerical sequence issues: Jerry Springer.

Thanks to Nancy and the Rock for the thoughtful E-cards; MB for the cheesecake and express gift card; Chad and Justin for the ITunes download giftcards; and a special thanks to Drew for whatever it is he got me. Joe, what did Drew get me? I am under the impression that he sent it to you...

1 comment:

Cupcake said...

Perhaps you didn't acutally read the e-card I sent, but I require your mailing address to send a gift to you. And, you know, in the event that a gift from Drew doesn't materialize, then, um, mine is from both of us.