Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Another one Bites the Dust

The exodus continues:

Rick, the same Rick who just bought a new condo in the warehouse district, is temporarily leaving the city of lakes for the sandy beaches of Honolulu. Sure its only a 6 month deal, but Rick's departure marks another significant loss of a person-with-whom-i-occasionally-to-oftentimes-hang-out.

In the past 12 months, the following friends have left the Twin Cities.

Colorado Drew
Ohio Drew
Joe Lew
and Rick.

And yes I am my own friend - arguably my best available these days. At least in the OC.

Rick's move to Hawaii is also significant in that it abruptly changes my winter vacation plans. I was gearing up to convince Ben and the Rock to fly to Costa Rica with me. But now that I'll have a free place to stay in Honolulu, I really have no choice but to (begrudgingly) take advantage of Rick's hospitality. And I use the term in the most naive, conventional way possible.

Do they have nude beaches out there? I'd better get me that Body by Jake DVD I've had my eye on.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you listed yourself as one of the people that moved away because you can't bitch about people leaving the Twin Cities without acknowledging that you did as well. And I don't know if there are nude beaches in Hawaii, but I'll let you pursue that on your own.

Lord of the Barnyard said...

did you intend on making the list of leavers to look like an upside down minnesota?