Monday, October 02, 2006

Ah, F%ck it!

YouTube: A blogger with nothing to say's best friend. Come to think of it, when do I ever have much of anything to say? Why exactly do you keep coming back to this PoS web site?


JfA said...

Maybe I keep coming back to see what ISU stories you dredge up. Or maybe I'm just trying to figure out how to say "mcmcmcly."

MCMCMCLY said...

JFA: Thnk of mcmcmcly as a sort of abbreviated form of a name, maybe that will help. If you figure it out, please don't stop reading -- i need you to validate my ego.

Cupcake said...

So that's why you, Drew and Lew had matching chaps and spurs. But which one of you played the piano?

MCMCMCLY said...

Joe Lew plays the piano. Drew (my own little buttercup and I dance. we were the best act in town, and then they both moved away.